Story of five monkeys and a ladder, or I should say, experiment. Five monkeys are put into a room. There is a ladder in the middle of the room, and a banana on the top of the ladder. For some times five of them stare at each other. And... monkey being monkey. One of the monkey cannot stand the temptation of banana, he tries to climb the ladder and get the banana. And the other four are only looking at him. When the monkey reached the top of the ladder, the sprinklers in the room are activated, and bath the four monkeys with cold water. Since the banana was eaten, the banana on the ladder is replaced. Then, another monkey wants to try to climb the ladder for the banana. The other four was showered with cold water again. Now they realized whenever a monkey tries to climb the ladder, the rest will get cold water. Now, whenever anyone of them tries the ladder, the others would stop him and bet him up. To avoid getting sprinkled obviously. After a while, no one is inte...
You always have the resource you need. Your perception is what blinding you that you don't have the things that you think you need. Depending on the way you look at the world, the things you need and want may be very different. Liking a sentence I heard from a course, something like this: "if you are still alive to read this, you probably already have all you need". You could be happier (well, could be) if you can tell what you want, apart from what you need, the pathetic world is not as pathetic when you see it from different angle. So is your life. Simply because it isn't pathetic to begin with, simply because you purposely see it through the narrow perception that you have developed through life experience. Do not feel dreadful for something in life, because it isn't. It is you looking at it throught that dreadful filter. There is always multiple angles to view at something, find that "CAN" angle, don't stay at the "CANNOT...
Saying "I don't know" does not make you stupid, but open up a chance for you to learn. Tell yourself to slow down whenever you think you are in a rushing situation. Deal with things with a calm mind. Always. People who hurt you are either weaker or stronger than you. If they are weaker, forgive them; if they are stronger, forgive yourself. Don't deny others when you haven't think in their shoes. You could be wrong. There will be things that everyone are doing, but you are not doing. It doesn't mean you are wrong. Don't let your brain to have a chance to be blur, avoid everything that can stop your thinking power. Keep you brain clear and thinking always.
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