There is Never a PERFECT TIME, Don't Wait

Are you wanting to make a big change in your life, but keep telling yourself "when the time comes, i will..." ? 

Maybe you want to start an investment.

Maybe you want to start a business.

Maybe you are waiting for something to happen to help you make the decision to do something impactful in your life.

You know what, it ain't gonna happen.

Nothing will happen to help you start.


If you want something, you have to plan it, and work for it, instantly, literally, INSTANTLY.

If you want something, any other things outside the plan you are doing now, are called procrastinating.

Don’t wait . 

Success does not come into your life like slotting in a "success" folder on a files rack.

It is an accumulation of every "little" successes towards your goal, for example, taking the first step in your plan.

Or even start planning your steps toward your goal.

If it is daunting for you to take the first step, remember this, you have to take the first step to see the second step. Your second step would be your next first step. You are actually taking first step all the time.

Take one step at a time, the step doesn't need to be big, just need to bring you to the right direction.

Don't feel down if you can't see your success, or transition, that's how the reality is, you do not feel the process of moving forward. You will see it when you reached there, just keep moving forward.

There's never a perfect time, don't wait, just take action.


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