Whether You Think You Can or You Cannot, You are Right!

You always have the resource you need.

Your perception is what blinding you that you don't have the things that you think you need.

Depending on the way you look at the world, the things you need and want may be very different.

Liking a sentence I heard from a course, something like this: "if you are still alive to read this, you probably already have all you need".

You could be happier (well, could be) if you can tell what you want, apart from what you need, the pathetic world is not as pathetic when you see it from different angle. So is your life. Simply because it isn't pathetic to begin with, simply because you purposely see it through the narrow perception that you have developed through life experience.

Do not feel dreadful for something in life, because it isn't. It is you looking at it throught that dreadful filter.

There is always multiple angles to view at something, find that "CAN" angle, don't stay at the "CANNOT" angle.

A rabbit, born as a house rabbit, his parents are house rabbits, so he has never see anything outside the house. One day, a hare got out of the woods nearby, got lost, stumble upon the house and choose to rest for awhile. The rabbit sees it from the inside of the house, shocked to see the hare is outside.

The rabbit asks the hare, how could he be outside. The hare wonders, how could I not. The hare points out the house has a broken wall that the rabbit could use to get out, the rabbit then refuses. His parents never do that, and when he tries, his parents will stop him from going out. Going out is forbidden! The hare shakes his head and hops away. Leaving the rabbit staring outside wondering why all this differences.

What's stopping the rabbit from doing what the hare is doing?

His past experience, his limiting belief, his perception of going out is forbidden. All contributes to that.

All he needs to do is hop out from the house and he can be out, he is physically capable of doing that. Yet, he has never know from the beginning that going out is normal, he thinks he is incapable of doing that.

The rabbit and the hare, looking from different angles, different perceptions formed.

Think as if you already could, act like one. You always have the resource you need.


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