
Showing posts from May, 2018

The Map is not the Territory

No one sees the world the same way as anyone else. This is what the pro calls perception, everyone has a filter on the world, on the truth. The filter is unique with everyone, and therefore no one sees the world in the same way. This sentence, the map is not the territory, often used to describe this perception in everyone. Everyone looks at the world with their perception, not at the truth, and their perceptions are developed through their life experience, which can never be identical to anyone else. Things that you believe is true, might not be accepted by someone else, it might not even be the truth! Just that the experience you have, makes it seems like it is the truth, you do not have the ability to see it from a different angle, because you do not have the life experience, but yet, it does not mean it is true. Understand this also tells you that you have to acknowledge the perception of others. Communicating with own's perception is gonna lead to communication b...

Whether You Think You Can or You Cannot, You are Right!

You always have the resource you need. Your perception is what blinding you that you don't have the things that you think you need. Depending on the way you look at the world, the things you need and want may be very different. Liking a sentence I heard from a course, something like this: "if you are still alive to read this, you probably already have all you need". You could be happier (well, could be) if you can tell what you want, apart from what you need, the pathetic world is not as pathetic when you see it from different angle. So is your life. Simply because it isn't pathetic to begin with, simply because you purposely see it through the narrow perception that you have developed through life experience. Do not feel dreadful for something in life, because it isn't. It is you looking at it throught that dreadful filter. There is always multiple angles to view at something, find that "CAN" angle, don't stay at the "CANNOT...